Set Your Mower High

Aim to trim 1/3 of your grass height with each mow. Longer blades encourage deeper root systems and overall, more nutrient lawn. Plus, keeping your grass a little longer in the warmer months will also assist with keeping your lawn hydrated and offer a little extra protection from the sun.

Mow Your Lawn When It's Dry

For a clean cut every time, ensure your lawn is dry before cutting. This will prevent damage from the mower as well as wet grass clogging your blades and deck. Try to avoid the peak heat of the day too! While this time might be dry, the sun can be damaging to newly cut blades of grass. Aim for early evening if you can.

Mow as needed

Although it may be more convenient to mow every weekend, your lawn may need more frequent cuts during peak growing season. Use your lawn’s height as a guide instead of waiting until the weekend to mow. During slower growing times you can get back into your weekend mowing habits if your lawn needs a cut.

Keep Your Mower Blades Sharp

Not only will dull blades tear up your grass, but over time they can also leave your lawn vulnerable to disease, insects and reduce the overall health of your grass. Sharpening your blades once a year and regularly washing your mower can help keep your lawn, and your mower healthy.